Fix Stuck Windows 10 Start Menu

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If you are having problems with your Start Menu, taskbar and Notification areas not responding, you don't have to refresh all of Windows to fix it.

Here's a way to refresh just your user account.  This way you do not need to reinstall all your traditional Windows software.  You will just be deleting and recreating your main login account.

Here are the steps that are in the video.  You can copy and paste them into notepad for printing and use as a reference while you complete the user refresh.

Step 1 - Check your system files for errors

1. Right-click on Window Icon

2. Choose Command Prompt (Admin)

3. Type sfc /scannow

4. If errors found, run again until no errors

5. Check to see if problem is fixed.

6. If fixed, stop this video and have fun.

7. If not, continue

Step 2 - Create New Admin Account
1. Create New User with different email account
2. Make it an Admin

3. Logout and Login as New Admin Account

4. Checkout performance of Start Menu

5. If OK, logout and log back in as main user

Step 3 - Save data and Screen Layout
1. Create new directory to save info
2. Copy all documents, pictures, etc from user directory
3. Check out AppData Directory for other info

4. Ensure syncing is turn on to save IE favorites

5. Use Win + PrtScn key to copy Start Menu Layout

6. Use Win + PrtScn key to copy Desktop Shortcuts.

7. Copy Screenshots to saved data directory

Step 4 - Delete and recreate main account
1. Login as New Admin

2. Delete Troublesome Account

3. Recreate Account with same email address.

4. Make New Main Account an Admin

5. Logout and Login with new account

Step 5- Restore Appearance and Data
1. Checkout performance of new account.

2. If ok, copy all documents, pictures, etc from saved directory

3. Delete any unwanted tiles or uninstall unwanted default programs.

4. Go to Store and click on user picture in top right corner.

5. Use My Library and Download and Updates to reinstall Apps

6. Use screenshot to recreate Tile layout.

7. Use screenshot and All Apps to recreate Desktop


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