Windows 10 Tip - Windows Logo Key Shortcuts Revisited

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Since the release of the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, I thought it was time to publish a new video about all the Windows Key shortcuts.  Some are the same, some have changed and there are a couple of new functions.

So here's a video demonstrating all that I have found.  You might want to go through the keys on your computer and see if you have software installed that may enable other Windows Logo key shortcuts.

Here's an update list of the Windows Logo Key keystrokes combinations:

Win Logo and number keys are jumps to the programs on your taskbar. This list shows my mappings. It will differ for yours.  By pressing the ALT key, Win Logo and a number it will show your jump list for that program.

Win Logo + 1 - ie
alt + Win Logo + 1 = open jump list for 1rst program
Win Logo + 2 - edge
Win Logo + 3 - chrome
Win Logo + 4 - firefox
Win Logo + 5 - opera
Win Logo + 6 - file explorer
Win Logo + 7 - store
Win Logo + 8 - live screen capture
Win Logo + 9 - notepad
Win Logo + 0 - excel

Win Logo + a - open action center
cntrl Win Logo a - select all. Either in app or all icons on desktop
Win Logo + b -
Win Logo + c -
Win Logo + d - minimize all apps, toggle to restore back
cntrl Win Logo d - create new desktop
Win Logo + e - file explorer
Win Logo + f - feed back hub
crtl + Win Logo + f - find computers
Win Logo + g - game bar
Win Logo + h - share
Win Logo + i - settings
Win Logo + j -
Win Logo + k - connect to wireless display
Win Logo + l - lock computer
Win Logo + m - minimize all apps
Win Logo + shift + m - restore all apps
Win Logo + n - create onenote note
Win Logo + o -
Win Logo + p - project (multiple screens)
Win Logo + q - cortana
Win Logo + r - run command
Win Logo + s - cortana
Win Logo + t -
Win Logo + u - ease of access settings
Win Logo + v -
Win Logo + w - Win Logodows ink workspace
Win Logo + x - admin menu (same as right-click on Win Logodows icon)
Win Logo + y - []]xx
Win Logo + z -
Win Logo + = - magnifier
Win Logo + dash - reduce magnifier
Win Logo + [ -
Win Logo + ] -
Win Logo + \ -
Win Logo + ' -
Win Logo + ; -
Win Logo + ? -
Win Logo + .
Win Logo + , - peek at desktop
Win Logo + left arrow - snap current Win Logodow left
Win Logo + right arrow - snap current Win Logodow right
Win Logo + down arrow - minimize current Win Logodow
Win Logo + up arrow - maximize current Win Logodow
Win Logo + prtscn - save screenshot to pictures/screenshot
Win Logo + pause - system info
Win Logo + tab - aero flip 3d selection screen
Win Logo + spacebar - preview desktop
Win Logo + Home - minimize all but active Win Logodow
Win Logo + shift + up arrow - stretch active Win Logodow to top and bottom




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